News News
On the afternoon of August 26, Sunrise Auto Mould & Die Co.,LTD. Party Committee held an annual summary and commendation meeting in the party member activity room of Xiaoguang Craftsman College. At the meeting, the development of the company's party building work in 2021-2022 was reviewed, and outstanding party members and excellent party member demonstration teams were commended. A total of 76 people attended the meeting, including Secretary of the Party Committee Du Junhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Wang Junhong, representatives of party members and employees of various party branches.Upgraded to a party committee, the new starting point inspires us to continue to struggleIn May 2022, the party organization of Sunrise Auto Mould & Die Co.,LTD. was upgraded from...
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 29
In order to promote the spirit of craftsmen, create an atmosphere of respect for model workers, and actively promote the construction of industrial workers in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone. From August 17th to August 18th, the 2022 'Xingsha Craftsman', 'Welder' and 'Fitter' worker vocational skills competition in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone officially started at Xiaoguang Craftsman College.The competition was hosted by the Changsha Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and undertaken by the District Federation of Trade Unions, Cadre and Personnel Bureau, and the Party and Mass Bureau. After the company's selection and recommendation, a total of more than 40 welders and fitters signed up for the competitio...
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 29
In order to summarize the completion of various work in the first half of 2022, plan and deploy the work in the second half of the year, and promote the common growth of individuals and enterprises, on July 16, Sunrise Auto Mould & Die Co.,LTD. held a work summary and commendation meeting for the first half of 2022.General Manager Wang Junhong summed up the company's operation in the first half of the year, and analyzed the shortcomings of the first half of the year from the three aspects of work quality, physical quality and operation quality. Regarding the work priorities and action plans for the second half of the year, he put forward specific requirements for 'increasing income, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency' from ten aspects, pointing out the dire...
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 10
From August 9th to 12th, the pre-competition training for fitters and welders in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone was held at Xiaoguang Craftsman College. Based on the principle of 'what is missing, what to learn', the pre-competition training focused on improving theory and mastering skills, and adopted a combination of classroom theoretical teaching and on-site practical teaching to help contestants check and fill vacancies.After the four-day training camp, the players said that the training before the competition was very helpful for the improvement of their personal skills, and they were also full of confidence and expectations for the upcoming skills competition.
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 15
Hunan Xiaoguang Auto Mold Co., LtdThe first phase of the training of grass-roots team leader was successfully completedAugust 2, 2014 to August 4, the company headquartered in Ningbo Jianfeng Group headquarters training courses. The training period of three days, a total of more than 40 team leaders to participate in the training mainly around the team building, team leader role management, "6S" training courses carried out, the participants said they were greatly inspired. Training during the emergence of a number of high-quality, high standards and strict requirements of the team b...
Release time: 2016 - 10 - 31
On December 7, under the leadership of Comrade Zhong Zhigang, the party branch secretary, all the members of the First Party Group visited the Planning and Exhibition Hall of the Hexi Leading Area of the Hexi Corridor. The first floor is the Achievement Exhibition, showing the "Eleventh Five- Development achievements and the pilot area of three years of construction achievements; two for the planning exhibition, show the city of Changsha and the pilot area "second five" plan; three layer to "river dream" as the theme of the pilot area vision and experience leisure area...
Release time: 2013 - 11 - 29
July 29, the company held the first half of 2013 the company summary of the work of the General Assembly. Zhu Xiaoyong, chairman of the participants, general manager of Zhong Zhigang and the backbone of the company. According to the agenda of the meeting leaders of the various departments for the first half of the work and the second half of the work plan were reported. In showing the positive results should be affirmed at the same time also exposed their own departments of some major problems and bottlenecks.Mr. Zhong made an important speech on the production and operation of the Company in ...
Release time: 2013 - 11 - 29
August 3, Xiaoguang party branch of the party members embarked on a red trip to the patriotism education base, the cradle of the revolution, the red capital ─ ─ flower Ming House, accept the revolutionary tradition of education. In which we revisited the lofty history, to see a large number of cultural relics, heard the moving story, a lot of harvest.Through this event, all members are encouraged. We understand that the revolutionary leaders, for the country, for the people to spare no effort, homes for everyone. The invaluable spiritual wealth left by the older generation of proletarian revol...
Release time: 2013 - 11 - 29
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