News News
On the afternoon of August 26, Sunrise Auto Mould & Die Co.,LTD. Party Committee held an annual summary and commendation meeting in the party member activity room of Xiaoguang Craftsman College. At the meeting, the development of the company's party building work in 2021-2022 was reviewed, and outstanding party members and excellent party member demonstration teams were commended. A total of 76 people attended the meeting, including Secretary of the Party Committee Du Junhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Wang Junhong, representatives of party members and employees of various party branches.Upgraded to a party committee, the new starting point inspires us to continue to struggleIn May 2022, the party organization of Sunrise Auto Mould & Die Co.,LTD. was upgraded from...
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 29
In order to promote the spirit of craftsmen, create an atmosphere of respect for model workers, and actively promote the construction of industrial workers in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone. From August 17th to August 18th, the 2022 'Xingsha Craftsman', 'Welder' and 'Fitter' worker vocational skills competition in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone officially started at Xiaoguang Craftsman College.The competition was hosted by the Changsha Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and undertaken by the District Federation of Trade Unions, Cadre and Personnel Bureau, and the Party and Mass Bureau. After the company's selection and recommendation, a total of more than 40 welders and fitters signed up for the competitio...
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 29
In order to summarize the completion of various work in the first half of 2022, plan and deploy the work in the second half of the year, and promote the common growth of individuals and enterprises, on July 16, Sunrise Auto Mould & Die Co.,LTD. held a work summary and commendation meeting for the first half of 2022.General Manager Wang Junhong summed up the company's operation in the first half of the year, and analyzed the shortcomings of the first half of the year from the three aspects of work quality, physical quality and operation quality. Regarding the work priorities and action plans for the second half of the year, he put forward specific requirements for 'increasing income, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency' from ten aspects, pointing out the dire...
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 10
From August 9th to 12th, the pre-competition training for fitters and welders in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone was held at Xiaoguang Craftsman College. Based on the principle of 'what is missing, what to learn', the pre-competition training focused on improving theory and mastering skills, and adopted a combination of classroom theoretical teaching and on-site practical teaching to help contestants check and fill vacancies.After the four-day training camp, the players said that the training before the competition was very helpful for the improvement of their personal skills, and they were also full of confidence and expectations for the upcoming skills competition.
发布时间: 2022 - 08 - 15
On the afternoon of July 27, the unveiling ceremony and exchange symposium of the Party Committee of the New Energy Vehicle and Parts Industry Chain of Yuhua Economic Development Zone was held in BYD. Fu Jianhui, First Secretary of the Party Committee of the Industry Chain, Zhou Xiaozhou, Secretary of the Party Committee, Du Junhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and other Party Committee members attended the event. Fu Jianhui emphasized that it is necessary to give full play to the leading role of the party committee of the industrial chain, accelerate the promotion of industrial tr...
Release time: 2022 - 08 - 10
Changsha has been more than 1 month of high temperature, August 2 afternoon, Yuhua District Federation of Trade Unions leadership and gave us Xiaoguang sent a number of summer cooling materials, and expressed concern and sympathy workers, stressed that a certain To pay close attention to the physical condition of employees to prevent heat stroke.
Release time: 2016 - 10 - 31
Mold is the manufacture of modern parts of the main parts of industrial equipment, especially the part is not suitable for metal cutting products. Today, China's industrial economy is considerable, the mold is gradually expanding domestic demand, but in some large-scale precision mold equipment, domestic production does not meet the requirements of the local industry is actively seeking to transform the work.China is a big manufacturing country, but also a big consumer of industrial products, mold as a modern industrial development, one of the necessary equipment, is widely used. Internati...
Release time: 2016 - 10 - 31
I remember 8 years ago, the first time to the Asian city of the interview, the new car smell unpleasant, really do not know how people endure. Until the last two years, the car air quality problems have been valued by everyone. But suffer from lack of laws and regulations, most vehicle companies are still ignored, the owners can only continue to endure.The good news finally came. In a recent round-table forum organized by the GES Automotive Network, the State Indoor Vehicle Interior Environmental Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Song Guangsheng said, as a national mandatory standard ...
Release time: 2016 - 10 - 31
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